Here is the formula for bitcoin valuation.
Value = rarity*utility
If you look at anything in existence, its value is based on that formula.
Something that is rare and useful, has a high value. Something that is not rare and useless has a low value.
Diamonds would be high rarity, low utility
Gold would be medium rarity, medium utility
A meteorite would be super ultra high rarity, and low utility
Dirt would be low rarity low utility
Tress would be low rarity medium utility.
Note that fiat currencies follow this same thing! The utility of fiat currencies will never change, but the rarity changes as governments print more, making each dollar worth less = inflation.
Bitcoin, in my opinion would be high utility, high rarity. I believe bitcoin to be more valuable that gold and silver.
Rarity = there are only 21 million bitcoins ever
Utility = it has many many uses. storage of value, medium of exchange. The usefulness of bitcoin is only based on your imaginative uses of it. Email money to Japan? store money in the cloud? digital cash? the end of war? The end of armoured cars? The end of banks? 4D advertising?* The end of check books? bitcoin is so useful and so rare I believe it will take the world by storm.
In all likelihood, bitcoin will not replace fiat currencies. Bitcoin will compete on the world market with other currencies for users storage of value. Competition is good for everybody, except Big Ben Bernake.
Here are some links where you can calculate your own estimated value of bitcoin
*sub-note: This should be another topic but i'll put it here. The current advertising model is a picture in a place. You drive by a billboard, advertising a DVD(or whatever) and the advertisement only *works* if you then go to the store and buy the DVD. Its only 2 dimension (or possible even 3d)
A 4 dimensional advertisement, allows you to PAY the billboard, and receive your item in the mail, or instant digital download. What if the billboard advertisement for the DVD had a QR code, which when you sent money to, it shipped the DVD to your door? Four dimensional advertising......
A flyer for a photographer advertising custom images of the pictures he just took. When an address on the flyer gets a payment, it instantly emails the photo to the client.....
This is the future, this is Bitcoin.
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