Yes I believe that Assad used chemical warfare
No, he should not have done that
Yes, women and children died and thats horrible.
But if you look at the statistics, I think 93% if Americans are against any action in Syria. American is *hopefully* on the tail end of 12 years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan. President Obama promised during his election he would end the war (of which he did nothing BTW). Why does he want another war SO BAD?
It doesn't make any sense why a nation tired of war would go start another one... until.......
wait for it....
You realize that the President needs war in order to get the federal reserve to continue printing money. Then it all makes sense.
Ben Bernake is rumoured to stop his printing press pretty soon. The federal reserve has stated that he will end QE3 when inflation is above 2% or employment falls below 7%.
Employment just fell to 7.3% and rumor is that the federal reserve might begin to taper QE3 in September.
If you follow the situation in Syria, you essentially have the ingredients for WWIII. If we attack Syria, Syria and its allies will attack US allies in the region. It is then the US's 'responsibility' to defend its allies.
A war with Syria means another recession for the US. Another Recession for the US means more money printing. More money printing means inflation, and another couple years for the United States Budget.
Obama doesn't want war, I dont believe anybody does. Obama and the United States need reasons to keep the printing presses going. As soon as those presses stop, the US defaults.
Prove me wrong?
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